What a contrast to 12 months ago! Lush vegetation and a great showing of orchids from all the usual sites around Hobart is the order of the day this Spring 2024. September saw the Diuris (pardina), Blues Fairies (Pheladenia deformis), Pink Fingers (caladenia carnia) and early Sun Orchids (Thelymitra species)Continue Reading

Looking back a year ago, the ‘problem’ for orchid enthusiasts was too much wet weather. The sun orchids refused to bloom, there was a lot of rain and grey skies. This Spring the situation is completely reversed. The Eastern Shore of Hobart was dry as dust in September and theContinue Reading

October 2022 One of the wettest Springs I can remember has made getting into the field more challenging than usual. It’s always interesting to consider if seasonal variations affect our local orchids. I have noticed a reduction in the number of flowers of Corybas species (helmet orchids) around Hobart duringContinue Reading

Whats Flowering around Hobart Feb/Mar 2022 The late summer period for orchids in Tasmania is less productive than the previous few months. This is the time of the year to see several Corunastylis species (midge orchids), a few Greenhoods and the showy Hyacinth orchid (Dilodium rosea). There will also beContinue Reading

Whats Flowering: Tasmanian Orchids January 2022 Tasmanian orchids January 2022Tasmanian orchid flowering slows down a lot during summer though there are some very interesting finds to be made. Generally the orchids on show this month are a bit less obvious and harder to find. Two notable exceptions are the HyacinthContinue Reading

December 2021 Like November and October this year, there has been far more wet weather than usual and this has affected orchid flowering. The genus obviously adversely affected is Theymitra, the Sun orchids. While there have been some good days for finding these warmth-loving flowers open, opportunities were still restrictedContinue Reading

Nov 2021 October and November seem to be the most prolific months for orchids around Hobart. The species we see in October are generally still showing and the Bearded orchids (Calochilus species) have also now appeared. Sun orchids are just awaiting a suitable warm day (around 20degress or more) toContinue Reading