Whats Flowering around Hobart Feb/Mar 2022
The late summer period for orchids in Tasmania is less productive than the previous few months. This is the time of the year to see several Corunastylis species (midge orchids), a few Greenhoods and the showy Hyacinth orchid (Dilodium rosea). There will also be many Parsons Bands – Eriochilus cucullatus in Reserves and dry slopes around the city.
This year I was lucky enough to find the Sharp midge Corunastylis despectans at Lenah Valley with some guidance from an experienced orchid enthusiast. The Dense midge, C nudascarpum was flowering initially in February but made another appearance in Late March in the Huon Road area. Likewise the Tasmanian Midge, C Tasmanica appeared in Feb with late flowers still evident later in March.
The Parsons Bands were very common as usual from Feb right through until early April with a few still to be seen mid-April. Likewise, the Autumn Bird Orchid (Chiloglotis reflexa) flowers during this period but might be seen both earlier and later.
The tiny Greenhood is also very common in the areas I visit such as the Peter Murrell Reserve, Waterworks area but is present all round the SE, E, NE and NW Coasts in light forest and heath.
The Hyacinth Orchid, Diplodium Rosea was being reported regularly around Hobart and now (mid-April)the large seed heads can be seen.
The scarce Ruddy Greenhood – Pt squamata– was also present in the Kingston and Conningham areas and likey at Coles Bay though I did not see it this year.
We now enter a quiet period for our orchids but can look forward to the emergence of species of Greehhoods such as Grandiflora, (E Coast and North), Prawn Greenhood (Pt pedoglossa) and many Tiny Greenhoods, Parson Bands and Mosquito orchids in April though into winter.