Corunastylis archeri (Elphin midge )
Summer-flowering small Midge orchid, scape 12-20 mm tall. The flowers are held in a tight bunch at the top of the thin stem. Flowers, around 5mm across range from 2-3 to 15 and show a small ‘beard’ on the labellum similar to C morrissii but not as pronounced.
Seems to prefer peaty soil on the margins of swamps or areas subject to wet winter conditions which may dry out in summer. Button grass, heathland or sedgy open eucalypt Forrest.
Due to small size, texture and colouring this midge can be quite hard to spot among low-growing vegitation but is said to be quite widespread around Tasmania except in the midlands.
The images below were captured North of Lonnovale, Huon Valley 5 Jan 2021.